May 31st, 2023
Week 3 – Complete the first part of your Assessment Tool assignment, the physical section
For this assignment, you are going to be creating your own assessment tool over the next few weeks. You will create one section at a time. This week the focus is creating the physical needs assessment section. For reference, you can look over the camp assessment tool that you utilized during week 2. Pay attention to how the assessment points are worded in that tool, how the scoring criteria work, and how the overall tool is formatted. Lastly, as you build out your own assessment tool, make sure it is built in a way that it can be completed by the public health professional who is evaluating the program (not the participant of the program). Keep in touch with any questions.
Weight loss is a challenging and necessary part of obesity management. An individual may begin
a weight loss program at the recommendation of a healthcare provider or for a variety of personal
reasons. While many weight loss programs exist, not all programs provide a safe, effective
approach for their clients. The Institute of Medicine states that “Given the billions of dollars
consumers currently spend on weight-loss programs, we believe strongly that these programs
require special attention and evaluation.”1 This assignment involves the development of an
assessment tool that will then be used to evaluate a community weight loss facility or online
weight loss program. The assessment tool will be developed during Modules/Weeks 3-6. Each
component of the assessment tool will focus on a key area of need for overweight/obese clients
including physical, psychological, intellectual, social, and spiritual aspects of successful weight
This assignment involves design of a new assessment tool to evaluate a community facility or
online program that focuses on the management of obesity through weight loss. The assessment
tool should be flexible enough to evaluate any program dealing with weight-related issues. As
you are designing the tool, you must consider the complete physical, psychological, intellectual,
social, and spiritual well-being of program participants to determine if a program is adequately
meeting a participant’s needs. In addition, the assessment tool must address comorbidities and
sensitivity to diversity. Develop a meaningful set of criteria to evaluate the services provided by
the facility that you will be evaluating. These criteria will form the foundation of your
assessment tool. You are encouraged to review the assessment tool grading rubrics before
completing this assignment.
Several resources are included in the Reference section below. You may find it helpful to review
these resources as you develop the assessment tool. It is important to know the comorbidities that
are often associated with obesity, as well as factors that contribute to program adherence and
successful weight loss.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Each section of this assignment (see table below) is worth 50 points and is due by 11:59 p.m.
(ET) on Sunday at the end of the module/week.
Module/Week Assessment Tool Section Due
Week 3 Physical: addresses energy needs and comorbidities
Week 4 Psychological: addresses mental illness and eating disorders
Week 5 Intellectual: addresses nutrition education and comorbidity education
Week 6 Social/Spiritual: addresses social support and spiritual needs
HLTH 644
1. Thomas, PR, ed. Weighing the Options: Criteria for Evaluating Weight-Management
Programs. Washington D.C., Institute of Medicine/National Academy Press; 1995.
2. Aim for a healthy weight. National Institute of Health: National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute. health/heart-healthy-living/ healthy-weight. Published
March 24, 2022.
3. Choosing a safe and successful weight-loss program. National Institute of Health:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease.
successful-weight-loss- program. Published July 2017.
4. Health effects of overweight and obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. healthyweight/effects/index. html. Published September 24, 2022.