The Magic of Cinematography: Becoming a Film Major

CJ 6640 Training Topic Lesson Plan

CJ 6640 Training Topic Lesson Plan

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After much deliberation, I have decided not to provide a specific format for the lesson plan, given the wide variety of approaches students are taking.  Please feel free to conduct Internet research if  you at a complete loss for a format, or make an appointment with me to discuss it.  In stead I am going to offer these guidelines.

1.  Lesson plan should be narrative in nature.  In other words, it should be detailed enough to correspond with the entire presentation.  Furthermore, it should be of sufficient detail that a presenter could take you lesson plan and be able to teach and present the objectives, even if they were only minimally familiar with the topic.  A simple outline with only words or brief phrases would not be sufficient to accomplish this.

2.  Lesson plan should include references, and a list of any equipment or materials that  is needed.

3.  The lesson plan should be organized by learning objectives.

4.  The lesson plan should be in Word format.