EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations Major Assignment 2 Technology Tools
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations Major Assignment 2 Technology Tools
Students will select a broad technology topic to research, describe, and analyze based on the needs of an
actual student or developed case study. A list of technology topics (i.e. word prediction) will be provided by the
instructor. Students will then select two specific technologies within their topic (i.e. CoWriter and TextHelp) as
part of their analysis. In a 2-3 page paper, students should provide a description of the overall technology
including its intended purpose, audience, and important features. Students then should provide a brief
description of each specific technology they have selected along with a comparison of product similarities and
differences. Finally, the paper should include a recommendation for one of the specific technologies based on
the needs of a real client or an invented scenario. Please note: it is anticipated that students will use the Internet
and/or product catalogs to obtain product information and descriptions, however students are expected to
reference such information using proper APA format.
The paper should only include current and available products. The list in the next section includes approved
assistive technology topics. Students wishing to research other technology topics not included in this list must
first obtain approval from the instructor (approval link located in Module 5). For software, you may select tools
built into the operating system, web-based tools, browser-extension tools as well as stand-alone software tools.
The selected case study can be based on a real individual with a disability or a scenario you create for the
purpose of this assignment. For instance, if you have a student with reading difficulties you would describe their
specific needs and struggles and then think about how technology can help. However, you may be interested in
learning more about screen magnification software but you do not know a specific individual with a visual
impairment. In this case, you would create a simple scenario imagining what that person’s needs are based on
what you know about that disability.
Students should reference their APA Publication Manual 7
th Edition for information and examples how to
properly reference information. More information on how to reference electronic materials including Internet sites
can be found at
ctronic_sources.html along with the information provided in the APA Manual.
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 2 – Technology Tools
Possible Technology Topics
• Refreshable Braille Displays/Keyboards
• Braille Notetaker
• Optical Character Recognition Device/Scanner
• Switch Interface for Computer
• Compact/Mini Keyboard
• Ergonomic Keyboard
• Expanded Keyboard
• Contact Switches (narrow it down to one type such as chin switch)
• Joystick
• FM Amplification Systems
• Eye Gaze System
• Head Mouse System
• Trackball
• Single message voice output devices (mid-tech AAC)
• Multiple message voice output devices (mid-tech AAC)
• Voice Recognition Software
• Voice Output Word Processor Program
• Word Prediction
• Graphic Organizers
• Text Readers (only read text- such as TextHELP Read and Write, generally for students with reading
• Screen Readers (reads the entire screen such as JAWS- generally for individuals who are blind)
• Screen Magnification Software
• On Screen Keyboard
• Abbreviation/Expansion Software
• Single Switch Software
• Dynamic Display AAC tools (such as Proloquo2Go)
* Remember: Students wishing to research other technology topics not included in this list are encouraged to
do so but must first obtain approval from the instructor
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 2 – Technology Tools
Technology Tools Assignment Headings
Student Case
• One paragraph description of student needs.
Description of the Topic
• One paragraph description of the technology topic including intended purpose, audience, and
important features.
Specific Technology Comparison Chart
• You will compare two specific technology tools within the selected topic. The technology must be
currently available for purchase or use- and must be the most current version of the tool. You will
decide on what 5 features by which to compare and evaluate the tools. You may include two
general features such as size, weight, cost, operating system, subscription vs purchase. You must
also include 3 features specific to the selected topic. Specific features will vary by technology type.
The following are just a few examples to illustrate what is meant by a specific feature, it is not meant
to be prescriptive or all inclusive: voice customization, vocabulary size, display size, target size to
physically touch, ease of navigation, organization of menus/content, additional study supports,
length of message, number of lines read or highlighted, quality of voice output, hot keys, additional
accessibility features, etc.
Technology 1 (Name) Technology 2 (Name)
General Feature 1 (list)
General Feature 2 (list)
Specific Feature 1 (list)
Specific Feature 2 (list)
Specific Feature 3 (list)
• One paragraph description of how the general technology topic matches the case student’s needs.
(How can this technology help?)
• One paragraph discussion of technology recommendation (of one of the two specific technologies)
and explanation why it was selected. You can determine what criteria are most important for your
case such as price, portability, availability of features, etc.
• Include all websites from which you obtained information for this assignment.
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 2 – Technology Tools Rubric
Does Not Meet Approaches Meets
Student Case 0 Points
Does not provide pertinent details of
case study student.
4 Points
Provides limited details of case study
student, may or not include their needs
and challenges.
8 Points
Provides pertinent details of case study
student, including their needs and
Topic Description 0 Points
Does not select an approved technology
topic. Does not include discussion of the
technology topic’s intended purpose,
audience, and important features.
5 Points
Does not select an approved technology
topic. Provides limited discussion of the
technology topic’s intended purpose,
audience, and important features.
10 Points
Selects an approved technology topic.
Include discussion of the technology
topic’s intended purpose, audience, and
important features.
Comparison Chart
0 Points
Does not select two specific technology
tools that fit within the identified
technology topic and/or selected
technology that is not currently available
for purchase or use. Does not complete
the comparison chart.
5 Points
Does not select two specific technology
tools that fit within the identified
technology topic and/or selected
technology that is not currently available
for purchase or use. Compares irrelevant
features of the two tools. Comparison
statements are inaccurate and/or limited.
10 Points
Selects two specific technology tools that
fit within the identified technology topic
and are currently available for purchase
or use. Compares 5 relevant features of
the two tools (2 general and 3 specific).
Comparison statements are accurate
and detailed.
Recommendations 0 Points
Does not discuss how the general
technology topic matches the case
student’s needs. Does not identify and
discuss the recommendation of one
specific tool based on selected criteria.
5 Points
Limited discussion of how the general
technology topic matches the case
student’s needs. Does not identify and
discuss the recommendation of one
specific tool based on selected criteria
and/or recommendation does not make
sense based on student’s needs or
technology features.
10 Points
Discusses how the general technology
topic matches the case student’s needs.
Identifies and discusses the
recommendation of one specific tool
based on selected criteria.
Reference 0 Points
Does not list all informational resources
and/or has 3 or more APA format errors.
1 Points
Lists all informational resources used but
has 1-2 APA format errors.
2 Points
Lists all informational resources used in
proper APA format.