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HOSP7052 service robots assignment

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Task Description:

This assignment requires you to prepare a maximum of 3,000-word report on service robots and its applicability to the hospitality industry.

In this report, you are expected to:

  • Conduct research on service robots (e.g., what they are, how they work, and related terms and technology) and explain them in layman’s terms;
  • Conduct research on the current applications of service robots in the hospitality industry and explain where the hospitality industry sits based on the innovation diffusion theory;
  • Conduct research on how service robots are accepted from customer and business perspectives and compare/contrast the two perspectives (how similar and how different in technology acceptance);
  • Based on the findings above, project how robot technology will shape the hospitality industry (or how the hospitality industry will shape robot technology) in 10 years time.

​This individual report should be submitted by the due date and time.

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  • This free-style report has no fixed structure to follow. However, an introduction – body – conclusion structure is good to follow.
  • succinct report is expected.
  • The report should follow APA format.


  • You are encouraged to spend enough time in conducting research on service robots. You must fully understand what service robots are prior to thinking of its applicability to the hospitality industry. Please include actual examples but somewhat innovative ones.
  • You are also expected to spend enought time in conducting research on technology acceptance. You are likely to encounter various “models”. You don’t need to cover them all. Pick one that makes most sense to you (per each perspective).
  • In your explanation of the terms and concepts, you must avoid “copy and paste” them from another source. You should rephrase and explain them in layman’s term.
  • The teaching team will mark whatever file available on the system regardless of it is imcomplete or wrong. If you realise a wrong file submission after the due, you can re-submit a correct file; however, late submisssion penalties will incure. Please ensure that you keep the submission record.

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