The Magic of Cinematography: Becoming a Film Major

Major Assignment 3 Assistive Technology Implementation Project

Major Assignment 3 Assistive Technology Implementation Project


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Students will design an academic or functional activity/lesson intended to support a child(ren) with a disability that
integrates assistive technology. Students will discuss the target student and activity goal, the learning environment,
activity tasks/procedures and the learning tools. Students will consider how their activity can be differentiated for
different disabilities. Students will design and create a custom AT solution using tools and strategies learned during the
course. Finally, students will also create a 3-5 minute video walkthrough of their activity plan and created AT product.
For this assignment you will select a concept/skill that you want to teach a school-aged individual with a disability. This
could be an academic skill like reading or math or a functional skill such as a life skill, social skill, or communication
skill. Your activity/lesson can occur within a school setting, but could also occur in the home, work or community
environment. We are using the term “lesson” broadly, you do not need to think of this assignment as a typical teaching
lesson. To teach others about AT and to implement AT with school-aged individuals requires advanced planning.
Therefore, this assignment asks you to create an AT implementation plan. You should be thinking about your
activity/lesson as a one-time/ one-day occurrence. If you are teaching, you may think about teaching a group of
students or you can plan an activity for an individual student. The assignment is just a plan, and you do not need to
work with an actual individual to complete the assignment. However, you are expected to develop and create a custom
AT solution for your activity/lesson.
There are two components to be submitted for this assignment – a written narrative of the activity/lesson and a video
presentation. Both components will be submitted to the Module 3 Major Assignment in Module 8 of Blackboard. You
will also have the option to share your video presentation with your peers in a discussion forum.
Assignment Components
1) Student and Activity Description: Describe the student(s) for whom you are designing the activity/lesson. Include
pertinent information such as their age, grade, disability and their needs and challenges. If you do not have an
actual student, you will develop a case student(s). Discuss the goal(s) of your activity/lesson – what is the purpose
of your activity/lesson and what do you want students to achieve by the end of it?
2) Environment: Discuss where your activity/lesson will take place. What environmental considerations are important
for the planning and/or implementation of your activity/lesson?
3) Tasks and Procedures: Discuss the steps and procedures involved in your activity/lesson. What materials do you
need? What happens first, second, etc.? How will you know if the student(s) has met the goal you have set out for
them? Describe the custom AT Tool you created and how it will be incorporated into your activity/lesson.
4) AT Tools: Discuss what assistive technology tools (low tech, mid tech, high tech) and strategies you could
incorporate into your activity/lesson to support the specific student needs you outlined in the student description
section. For example, if you designed your activity/lesson to support a student with autism, you would discuss how
you could incorporate AT to support that student’s needs.
5) Differentiation: You are being asked to design an activity/lesson for a specific population. However, it is important
to think about applying AT adaptations across disabilities. In this section you will identify specific strategies for
differentiating or adapting the developed activity/lesson to serve multiple populations. Specifically, you will identify
at least 2 assistive technology devices and strategies that could be beneficial for students with:
a) Cognitive/Intellectual disabilities
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 3 – Assistive Technology Implementation Project
b) Physical disabilities
c) Sensory disabilities
d) Communication disabilities, and
e) Learning/Emotional disabilities
For each population, also include a brief explanation as to how/why the assistive technologies you identified would
be beneficial within your activity/lesson. There may be some overlap with your suggestions in this section and
those you listed in the AT Tools section. You may complete this section as a table.
Disability AT Devices/Strategies (2) How are they Beneficial
Cognitive/Intellectual disabilities
Physical disabilities
Sensory disabilities
Communication disabilities
Learning/Emotional disabilities
6) Custom AT Tool Development: You will develop your own assistive technology tool/resource that will be
incorporated into your activity/lesson. You have the option to create an online product which would be a computer
file or web page that you have created using one of the many tools you learned about during the semester such as
developing a) interactive PowerPoint game or storybook, b) Boardmaker activity, c) Inspiration or Kidspiration
activity, d) Pixie activity, e) Clicker activity, or f) Interactive and creative Word or Excel activity (not just an
electronic version of a printable worksheet). You can also create a low-tech AT solution such as an AAC
communication board/book or an adapted book/activity/game with supports for students with physical and/or visual
impairments. Your activity must be your own creation, you may not submit an already created activity or template.
You do not need to submit the actual activity you create, but all parts must be clearly visible in the video
presentation to receive credit.
7) Student Presentation: You will create a 3-5 minute video presentation of your activity/lesson. The video should
include your activity/lesson goal and then a brief overview of your student(s), environment(s), tasks, and AT tools.
As part of your video, you must demonstrate your created low-tech or high-tech custom AT tool. All elements of
your tool must be created and clearly visible to receive credit. You will post your video to the Blackboard
discussion board. Once you post the video, you will enable accurate captions for your presentation. For assistance
editing captions in Kaltura, use the following document: mindful that it will take approximately 30 minutes for your caption file
to generate before you can edit it. You must build in enough time to enable and edit captions as you work to meet
the overall assignment due date.
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 3 – Assistive Technology Implementation Project Rubric
Does Not Meet Expectation Approaches Expectation Meets Expectation
Student and
O Points
Does not describe pertinent details of
student including age, grade, disability
and needs. Does not discuss the
purpose of activity/lesson or outlines
appropriate goals.
5 points
Describes some details of student that
may include age, grade, disability and
needs. Limited discussion of purpose
of activity/lesson and/or goals.
10 points
Describes pertinent details of student
including age, grade, disability and
needs. Discusses purpose of
activity/lesson and outlines appropriate
Environment O Points
Does not describe where the
activity/lesson will take place or
discusses important environmental
5 points
Limited description of where the
activity/lesson will take place and/or
limited discussion of environmental
10 points
Describes where the activity/lesson
will take place and discusses important
environmental considerations.
Tasks and
O Points
Does not describe the specific
procedures of the activity/lesson
including materials and task steps.
Does not describe the custom AT tool
and how it is incorporated into the
5 points
Describes some procedures of the
activity/lesson and/or limited
description AT tool and how it is
incorporated into the activity/lesson.
10 points
Describes the specific procedures of
the activity/lesson including materials
and task steps. Describes the custom
AT tool and how it is incorporated into
the activity/lesson.
AT Tools O Points
Does not provide specific examples of
low, mid, and high-tech tools and
strategies that align with the
activity/lesson goals nor matches target
student(s)’ needs.
5 points
Provides some examples of low, mid,
and high-tech tools and strategies
and/or the tools may not align with the
activity/lesson goals and/or not
appropriately match target student(s)’
10 points
Provides specific examples of low,
mid, and high-tech tools and strategies
that align with the activity/lesson goals
and appropriately match target
student(s)’ needs.
Differentiation O Points 5 points 10 points
EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations
Major Assignment 3 – Assistive Technology Implementation Project
Does not identify at least two
appropriate AT tools and strategies for
each of the 5 identified disability
categories. Does not explain how the
AT would benefit each disability
category is plausible.
Does not identify at least two
appropriate AT tools and strategies for
each of the 5 identified disability
categories or does not adequately or
accurately explain how the AT would
benefit each disability category.
Identifies at least two appropriate AT
tools and strategies for each of the 5
identified disability categories.
Explanation of how the AT would
benefit each disability category is
Custom AT Tool
O Points
Does not design or demonstrate a
custom-created, high-tech or low-tech
AT tool that corresponded with the
planned activity/lesson.
10 points
Designs and demonstrates a customcreated, high-tech or low-tech AT tool
that may not corresponded with the
planned activity/lesson. The custom
AT tool may not be complete and/or be
clearly visible in the video
20 Points
Designs and demonstrates a customcreated, high-tech or low-tech AT tool
that corresponded with the planned
activity/lesson. The custom AT tool is
complete and clearly visible in the
video presentation.
O Points
Does not create and post video
presentation that include the
activity/lesson goal and a brief
overview of the student(s),
environment(s), tasks, and AT tools.
5 points
Creates and posts a video presentation
but it may not include discussion of
activity/lesson goal and a brief
overview of the student(s),
environment(s), tasks, and AT tools.
Does not enable captioning and/or
captioning has not been adequately
edited for accuracy.
10 points
Creates and posts a 3-5 video
presentation that includes the
activity/lesson goal and a brief
overview of the student(s),
environment(s), tasks, and AT tools.
Enables and edits captions for