The Magic of Cinematography: Becoming a Film Major

NR 538 Week 3 Assessment of the Core Population


Population health assessment involves the systematic, holistic appraisal of people and the community where they live, work, play, and go to school.  The process may vary depending upon the purpose and scope of the assessment.  However, a thorough assessment of the core population is an essential first step.

During the course, assignments build upon one another as you assess population health within the context of a community.  This first assignment involves assessment of the core population, while the second assignment will address assessment of the community subsystems.  In the third assignment, analysis of data will be conducted to determine a priority need and propose an intervention to improve population health and equity.

The purpose of this assignment is to appraise the health of a population using the Community as Partner Model as a framework for the assessment.  Students will independently assess the core population and a target subpopulation, gathering qualitative and quantitative data to determine health-related risks or problems that are experienced.

Assignment Overview

Follow the steps below to complete your assessment of the core:

  • Select one local community’s population as the subject for this assignment.
    • This population is the community “core” within the Community as Partner Assessment Model.
  • Identify a target group of interest that is a subpopulation of the core population in that community.
  • In your assessment you will examine the core and the specific target group. For example, pregnant teens, homeless veterans, adults with diabetes, school-aged children, or homebound elderly living in this local community.
    • Suggestion: Consider selecting a target group served through a possible future practicum agency, as this offers an opportunity to learn more about the needs of that group in preparation for the practicum experience. If you are unsure of a target population for focus during practicum, you might consider a vulnerable population served in your current practice or an at-risk group in your community.
  • Assess the core and target population using the Community as Partner Assessment Model as your guiding framework, following the criteria on the rubric.
  • Using the Core Assessment Tool Template provided, follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations described below to assess and document findings for each category on the template:
  • Overview of the Core (This represents the population as a whole living in the local community)
  • Population Health Indicators for the Core
  • Target Population (This represents your subpopulation of interest within the core)
  • As you complete the assessment, be sure to:
    • Use bulleted statements to document assessment findings.
    • Include a minimum of five valid, reliable sources, current within five years, and at least one personal communication with a key informant to support your findings. (For example, someone from the community with expertise or unique insight to the needs of the population).
    • Credit the sources of assessment findings and using APA format (current edition) for citations and references


Assignment Instructions

  1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Complete the Week 3 Core Assessment Tool Template using a bulleted format to document assessment findings.
  3. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
  4. Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
    1. If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
    2. If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
  5. Correct APA format (current edition) is used for the following:
    1. Citing and referencing of sources
    2. Font style and size
    3. Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
  6. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
  7. First person should not be used within this assignment.