The Magic of Cinematography: Becoming a Film Major

NUR 634 Cumulative Statement of Philosophy Paper

NUR 634 Cumulative Statement of Philosophy Paper




Assignment #1


Culminating Statement of Philosophy Assignment Instructions:

After reviewing the Statement of Philosophy you wrote in Organizational Leadership and Role Development class at the beginning of the graduate program reflect on your personal growth in an 8-page paper, not including the title page and references. The goal of this assignment is not to re-write your entire philosophy rather add to and refine your work from Organizational Leadership and Role Development class. Please review the Cumulative Statement of Philosophy provided to you for this assignment in the Assignment Support section of the course


June 2021 JKY
NUR 634 Cumulative Statement of Philosophy Paper
Define what nursing means
to you and describe its
significance in your life.
Explanation of the discipline
of nursing, the role nursing
plays in the health care field,
and its significance in the
writer’s life is clearly
articulated with supporting
Explanation of the discipline
of nursing, the role nursing
plays in the health care field,
and its significance in the
writer’s life is adequately
articulated with some
supporting statements.
Explanation of the discipline
of nursing, the role nursing
plays in the health care field,
and its significance in the
writer’s life is marginally
discussed with little to no
supporting statements.
Explanation of the discipline
of nursing, the role nursing
plays in the health care field,
and its significance in the
writer’s life is not articulated
well or absent with little or no
supporting statements.
Reflect on your graduate
education. Describe the
personal significance of the
role of advanced practice
registered nurse.
Explanation of the personal
meaning that the advanced
practice nursing role plays in
the writer’s life is clearly
Explanation of the personal
meaning that the advanced
practice nursing role plays in
the writer’s life is adequately
Explanation of the personal
meaning that the advanced
practice nursing role plays in
the writer’s life is relatively
Explanation of the personal
meaning that the advanced
nursing role plays in the
writer’s life is poorly stated or
Identify the principles that
guide your nursing
Clearly Identifies and explains
principles that influence and
contribute to a personal
philosophy of nursing.
Identifies or explains
principles that influence and
contribute to a personal
philosophy of nursing.
Marginally identifies or
explains principles that
influence and contribute to a
personal philosophy of
Fails to identify or explain
principles that influence and
contribute to a personal
philosophy of nursing.
Discuss an influence and or
learned experiences during
your graduate education
that will guide your future
advanced nursing practice.
Discussion of influences or
learned experiences during
your graduate education that
will guide the writer’s future
nursing practice is clearly
Discussion of influences or
learned experiences during
your graduate education that
will guide the writer’s future
nursing practice is adequately
Discussion of influences or
learned experiences during
your graduate education that
will guide the writer’s future
nursing practice is marginally
Discussion of influences or
learned experiences during
your graduate education that
will guide the writer’s future
nursing practice is articulated
poorly or absent.
June 2021 JKY
Indicate a nursing theory
and theorist that guides
your nursing practice.
Distinctly identifies and
explains a nursing theorist and
elements of relevant theories
influencing and contributing to
a personal philosophy of
Effectively identifies a nursing
theorist and elements of
relevant theories influencing
and contributing to a personal
philosophy of nursing.
Moderately identifies a
nursing theorist and elements
of relevant theories
influencing and contributing to
a personal philosophy of
Fails to identify or explain a
nursing theorist and elements
of relevant theories
influencing and contributing
to a personal philosophy of
Outline the elements you
anticipate incorporating to
into your advanced nursing
The outline of the elements
that the writer anticipates
incorporating into the
advanced nursing practice is
explained with significant
breadth and depth.
The outline of the elements
that the writer anticipates
incorporating into the
advanced nursing practice is
adequately explained with
some supporting details.
The outline of the elements
that the writer anticipates
incorporating into the
advanced nursing practice is
not stated well and lacks
substantial supporting details.
The writer sails to outline the
elements that they anticipate
incorporating into advanced
nursing practice.
How do you intend to
impact society as an
advanced practice nurse?
The writer distinctly explains
how they will impact society
as an advanced practice
registered nurse.
The writer’s explanation of
how they will impact society
as an advanced practice
registered nurse is
satisfactorily articulated.
The writer’s explanation of
how they will impact society
as an advanced practice
registered nurse is not clearly
The writer fails to explain
how they will impact society
as an advanced practice
registered nurse.
The items below will be worth 30%
2 point 0 points
Title, & Title Page (2) Title Page:
Students may use the APAspecified title page for
The title is centered and
bolded on the first page of the
body of the paper
Title Page:
Not APA compliant,
some required
information is missing or
extraneous information is
Not APA Compliant or
absent from the document.
The title is different than
what is listed on the title page
Margins & Font (2) One-inch margins are used.
One-inch margins are not
The page number is absent or
typed rather than inserted at
June 2021 JKY
The following fonts may
be used 12
-point Times
New Roman
the top of each page.
An improper type or size of
the font is used. Multiple
fonts found in running head,
headings, title page
Spacing (
) Double
-spacing is used
between lines. There is
only one space between
sentences. And paragraphs
are indented five spaces or
-tab indent.
-spacing is not
consistently used between all
lines. There is often more
than one space between
sentences or paragraphs are
not indented five spaces or
-tab indent
Page numbers (
) Page numbers are present in
the document correctly located
at the top right of each page.
The page numbers are not
inserted at the top right of
each page or not present at
Headings (2) Appropriate APA level
headings are used and
No headings are left alone
at the bottom of a page.
Headings are not present.
Headings are formatted
inappropriately, not in APA
compliance or one or more
heading is alone at the
bottom of a page.
The introduction has a
heading “Introduction
” which is not
correct APA formatting
Quotes (2) No use of quotes, rather the
student employs appropriate
Over 3 quotes used or
quotes without appropriate
APA reference or APA
June 2021 JKY
3 or less quotes are used with
appropriate APA citation.
compliant citation.
References Quality (2) Only scholarly references
from credible authorities,
academic, peer
-reviewed or
juried sources are used.
Minimal use of secondary
citations is used.
Scholarly references from
credible authorities,
academic, peer
-reviewed or
juried sources are NOT
Use of secondary sources
for references
Reference Citations (2) Proper formatting is used
throughout the reference
Each reference has a matching
citation(s). Citations are
formatted correctly and each
citation has a matching
reference. All Abbreviations
in APA compliance.
Formatting errors
occurred in the reference
list. OR
One or more reference
does not have a matching
Multiple citation errors are
noted. OR
One or more citation does
not have a matching
reference. OR
Abbreviations not in
APA compliance.
Introduction (2) Introduction: Opening
paragraphs are well developed
and defines a sharp focus
related to the quality and
safety topic selected. Provides
a clear and precise statement
to guide assignment direction.
Introduction: Introduction is
inadequate or missing. Fails
to establish a clear focus of
the quality and safety topic
selected. Lacks clarity to
guide assignment direction.
Conclusion (2) Conclusion effectively and
consistently summarizes all
key concepts related to the
Conclusion missing or
minimal attempt to
summarize key points related
June 2021 JKY
quality and safety topic in
more than one paragraph.
Utilizes introductory
paragraph to guide conclusion.
to the quality and safety
topic. No reference to the
introductory paragraph or
only one paragraph written.
10 points 0 points
Grammar/spelling/ etc.
It is recommended that
the students proofread
their work, use spell
check and Grammarly.
Paper is well written and clear
using standard English
characterized by elements of a
strong writing style. Free from
grammar, punctuation,
spelling, usage, or formatting
Language is appropriate
for an educated but
uninformed audience.
Important concepts are
concisely and clearly
No use of poetic language and
or slang.
Each paragraph begins with a
clearly identifiable topic
No use of run
sentences or
The content of each
paragraph is closely
associated with its
Smooth transitions
between paragraphs
The paper shows a below

average/poor writing style
lacking in elements of
appropriate standard
English. Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, spelling, usage,
and/or formatting.
Language is often
inappropriate for the
audience. Definitions of
important concepts are
unclear or wordy. Use of
poetic language and or
Identifiable topic sentences.
Many paragraphs contain
multiple topics and are
difficult to follow.
Use of one or two
Use of run
-on sentences.
Use of run
-on paragraphs
without topic and closing
Timeliness (see
For assignment files that are
uploaded and not labeled
with the student’s last name
Electronic file submitted
not labeled with students
last name
June 2021 JKY
-5 points will be assessed to
the final grade.
Assignments submitted more
than 24 hours after the
deadline without faculty preapproval will be assessed -5
points off the final grade for
each day that the assignment
is late.