NURS6111 Week 9 Program Effectiveness
NURS6111 Week 9 Program Effectiveness
Create and record a PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides that propose a systematic process for determining the effectiveness of the new course you have added to the nursing curriculum.
While you will not have access to real analytical data from real learners to show how the course is meeting the learning and program outcomes, you should still be able to use the formative feedback from the instructor you received for your earlier assignments, as well as scholarly research, to think critically about a process that could potentially guide improvement efforts for the nursing program in which the course is being hypothetically offered.
PowerPoint Presentation
Creating a Presentation
Creating a presentation requires using some technology tools that you might not be familiar with. You can review the following library guide on using PowerPoint:
Make sure your presentation contains the following slide headings and sections, which reflect critical elements that align with the grading criteria:
Purpose. Include the reasons for the presentation. Explain the purpose in bullet points with simplified words. The speaking notes section will be more detailed. (1–2 slides).
Philosophical Approaches. Explain some of the major philosophical approaches to evaluation. Introduce the theoretical part of evaluation (the meaning of philosophical) (2–3 slides).
Program Evaluation Process. Show the steps of the program evaluation process (2–3 slides).
Evaluation Design. Select and articulate an evaluation design, framework, or model for program evaluation (2–3 slides).
Program Improvement. Examine how data analysis can be used to foster ongoing program improvement (2–3 slides).
References. Include a minimum of eight sources no older than 5 years, cited using current APA style and formatting. Add references separately on a word document because it’s hard to format in APA on a PowerPoint and make the last slide a conclusion slide instead of the reference slide.
Recording Your Presentation
In addition to creating a PowerPoint, record a 10–15 minute presentation for stakeholders that covers all of the main points from your PowerPoint.
Additional Requirements
Your presentation should meet the following requirements:
Bullets: Aim for 6–7 bullets per slide and 4–6 words per bullet.
Images: Use graphics liberally throughout the presentation, but ensure they are appropriate for the content provided. Examples clip art, prefer not to use photographs because they make the file larger. Use an attractive background in the PowerPoint.
Speaker notes: Use the Notes section within PowerPoint to provide all the information relevant to each slide, which you would otherwise present verbally.
Presentation recording: 10–15 minutes in length.
APA citations: Include proper APA style in-text citations in the speaker notes and on slides (if relevant).