Paper 3 Data Collection Methodology
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Paper 3 Data Collection Methodology
In this paper, you will present the instrument (survey) you designed to collect the data for your research. You will also discuss how you plan to administer the instrument (Survey). All learners will be using www.surveymonkey.comLinks to an external site. to design, collect & analyze the collected data.
This paper should be written in the following format (subheadings):
Population Sample
Instrumentation (present the survey)
Survey questions
Response options
Data Collection procedure (how you plan to administer)
Papers require a cover page and a separate References page (not including the required page minimum). Papers should include multiple in-text citations and references, as appropriate. Papers must be written in APA writing format. This includes double-spacing and page numbers.
Textbook is Research Design by John Creswell and J. David Creswell. Link Below, not sure if it will work.