Assessment 3 Literature Review
Assessment 3 Literature Review
A literature review starts with the choice of a topic of interest, a research question that is worth
investigating. It then moves to searching, retrieving, assessing, and summarizing the relevant
literature. It ends with analyzing and synthesizing the findings and writing a report. Your
literature review assignment should address the following points:
1. Define Your Research Question and Motivation:
• Clearly state your research question. What specific aspect of the topic are you
interested in exploring in HRM/OB? Why is this question worth investigating?
• Explain your motivation for choosing this particular research question. What gaps or
issues in the existing literature do you hope to address or clarify?
• These are ideas on general areas for group project topics. Each group is expected to
identify a specific goal within the selected area and come up with an outline:
a. Leadership
b. Power and Politics; Conflict and Negotiations
c. Organizational Culture
d. Innovation and Organizational Development.
e. Organizational Change and Stress Management
f. HR analytics.
g. HRM and employee’s innovation.
2. Identify and Review Relevant Literature:
• Begin your literature review by conducting a thorough search of academic databases,
journals, books, and other reputable sources. As per the guidelines below
You can use one of the following journals to select your article:
• International Journal of Human Resource Management
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• The Leadership Quarterly
• Personnel Review
• Journal of Business Ethics
• Leadership & Organization Development Journal
• Human Resource Management Review
• International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
• Management Decision
• Human Resource Management Journal
• Journal of Management Analytics
• International Journal of Manpower
You have access to these journals through UOS Library using ProQuest database.
• Identify and summarize the key findings, concepts, and conclusions from the literature
related to your research question.
• Organize the literature logically, grouping similar studies or concepts together for
3. Address Controversies or Conflicting Findings:
• Discuss any controversies or conflicting findings you encounter in the literature. Analyze
why these differences in results or perspectives exist.
• Offer your insights into potential reasons for these discrepancies and whether they are
due to methodological differences, contextual factors, or other variables.
4. Describe Research Methods:
• Provide an overview of the research methods employed in the studies you’ve reviewed.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of these methods.
• Note any trends or shifts in research methodologies over time and how they may have
impacted the field’s understanding of the topic.
5. Suggest New Directions for Further Research:
• Based on your review of the literature, pinpoint areas where further research is needed.
Are there gaps in knowledge, unresolved questions, or emerging trends?
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• Offer suggestions for future research directions, including potential research questions
and methodologies.
6. Explain Scientific or Applied Value:
• Summarize the scientific or applied value of your research question in light of the
conclusions drawn from the literature review.
• Explain how addressing your research question could contribute to the advancement of
knowledge in the field or offer practical insights for real-world applications.
7. Follow APA Format (6th Edition):
• Ensure that your paper adheres to the APA format guidelines (7th edition) for
formatting, citations, and references.
• Include an abstract, introduction, main body, and conclusion in your paper.
• Properly cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
8. Adequate Number of Peer-Reviewed References:
• Include a sufficient number of references from peer-reviewed journals and academic
sources to demonstrate your mastery of the chosen research area.
• Use in-text citations appropriately to support your arguments and analysis.
9. Review and Edit:
• Carefully proofread and edit your paper for clarity, grammar, and coherence.
• Ensure that your paper flows logically from one section to the next, maintaining a clear
and cohesive narrative.
The paper must follow APA format (7th edition) and be approximately 2000-3500 words
(excluding the reference list). An adequate number of references in the paper from peerreviewed journals should be included to demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the chosen area
of interest. More details about this assignment will be provided within the class. The following
articles are good guides for writing the literature review assignment.
• Pautasso, M. (2013). Ten simple rules for writing a literature review. PLoS computational
biology, 9(7), 1-4. e1003149.
• Randolph, J. J. (2009). A guide to writing the dissertation literature review. Practical
Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 14(13), 1-13.
• Webster, J., & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing
a literature review. MIS quarterly, xiii-xxiii.
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• Rowley, J., & Slack, F. (2004). Conducting a literature review. Management research news,
27(6), 31-39.
The following sections are suggested.
• INTRODUCTION (1-2 pages):
o What is the general topic you are exploring and why is it relevant?
What do we know about the topic?
o Describe the scope of your study. Here you can describe what
areas you are going to focus on. What don’t we know about the
o Research Objective(s) (required). What are you trying to
accomplish with your research, what are the goals of your
project? What will we learn from it?
body of the paper 20-30 Journal articles):
o Overview of the topic including the “state of art knowledge” in
the area that relates to the objectives indicated in the
introduction. Synthesize what you found in the lit review,
compare, contrast and discuss.
o Extract the major conclusions from your literature review and
apply it to the current context. This part does not add new
content in terms of research but rather applies the findings to a
specific context and concludes from what was discussed in the
previous section.
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o What are the implications of your findings? What are the
limitations of your conclusions based on what you learned from
the studies you reviewed? Can the findings be generalized?
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Grading Rubric for Literature Review Assignment
Component Exceed Standard At Standard
Standard Below Standard
questions, review
method, and
identification of
relevant literature
and key findings
(40 %)
Clearly identify
research question,
describe the
research method
employed and
presents extensive
review of
literature and key
Identifies research
question, describe
the research method
employed and
presents review of
literature and key
findings. But one or
more of them need
Vaguely presents
research questions,
review method,
relevant literature
and key findings.
Fails to clearly
identify research
question, describe
the research method
extensive review of
literature and key
Report of
new directions
and scientific or
applied value of
research question
(40 %)
Clearly report
controversies, new
directions and
scientific or applied
value of research
Report controversies,
new directions and
scientific or applied
value of research
question, but one or
more of them need
Vaguely report
controversies, new
directions and
scientific or applied
value of research
Fails to clearly report
controversies, new
directions and
scientific or applied
value of research
APA Formatting
(5 %)
Documents sources
using APA
accurately and
Documents sources
using APA
formatting with
minor violations.
Reflects incomplete
knowledge of
APA formatting.
Uses little to no
correct APA
(10 %)
Writing is clear and
Sentence structure
and grammar are
excellent. Correct
use of punctuation.
No spelling errors.
Writing is mostly
clear and concise.
Sentence structure
and grammar are
strong and mostly
correct. Few minor
errors in
punctuation and/or
Writing lacks clarity
or conciseness.
Minor problems with
sentence structure
and some
grammatical errors.
Several minor
errors in
punctuation and
Writing lacks
clarity and
Serious problems
with sentence
structure and
Numerous major
and/or minor
errors in
punctuation and
(5 %)
The organization
results in clarity and
presents logically
arranged points.
The overall
arrangement is
logical but can
occasionally be
difficult to follow.
Arrangement is less
than clear, or
organization is clear
but there are some
Arrangement is
haphazard and
difficult to follow;
paper strays
substantially from