June 5th, 2023
BUAD 4301 Ethics Paper 1 Analysis paper
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Choose one business ethics case from the SAGE cases posted on the Course Content page (BlackBoard).
Analysis paper:
- Read and review case and identify the ethical dilemma(s)
- Identify important and relevant facts of the case
- Define each of the ethical theory frameworks: Virtue, Deontological and Utilitarian
- Analyze the important facts of the case through each of the Virtue, Deontological, and Utilitarian frameworks and determine ethicality of the actor’s character traits, decisions and actions, and overall consequences considering all stakeholders’ perspectives
- Provide a conclusion on which ethical framework(s) might work best to resolve the ethical dilemma presented in the case
Formatting requirements:
WORD doc: no commercial templates, pdfs, .pages formatting
SAVE AS: Lastname Firstname Title
Formal paper: cover page, use headings, APA formatting, References page (not “Works Cited” or “Bibliography” etc.)
Paper Outline: Ensure all information is provided on cover sheet, then use the following headings to identify the elements to cover in the paper.
- Formal cover sheet: header, page numbers, name, University, Department, Course / Section, Date, Instructor
- Introduction: include thesis statement and identify ethical dilemma
- Facts of the Case: provide relevant case information
- Virtue Framework: state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
- Deontological Framework: state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
- Utilitarian Framework: state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
- Conclusion: explain which theory or theories might work best to resolve the ethical dilemma
- References: provide all references used for this paper, including the SAGE case information
- References page: at the end of the paper, start on a fresh page (control/enter), APA format, include all sources (SAGE case, text, other)