The Magic of Cinematography: Becoming a Film Major

BUAD 4301 Ethics Paper 2 second new SAGE case

  1. Carefully review feedback from your Ethics Paper 1 and reflect on corrections and suggestions from the instructor and your fellow student in the peer review process:
    • What is the harm and who is responsible?
    • What is the ethical dilemma?
    • Have you clearly defined each of the ethical theories and ensured all relevant facts are analyzed?
    • Does your conclusion include a full consideration of each of the theories?
  2. Ethics Paper II:  choose a NEW case from the SAGE cases posted on the Course Content page, and complete your second analysis paper
  3. Proof-read before submitting:
    • WORD doc:  no commerical templates, pdfs, .pages formatting
    • SAVE AS:   Lastname   Firstname    Title
    • Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar
    • Formal paper:  cover page, APA formatting, References page  (not “Works Cited” or “Bibliography”) etc.
  4. Analysis paper:
    • review case and identify the ethical dilemma(s)
    •  analyze the important elements of the case through each of the Virtue, Deontological, and Utilitarian frameworks
    •  conclude with which ethical framework might work best to resolve the ethical dilemma presented in the case
Paper Outline: ensure all information is on the cover sheet, then use the following headings to identify the elements to cover in the paper.
  1. Formal cover sheet:  header, page numbers, name, University, Department, Course / Section, Date, Instructor
  2. Introduction:  include thesis statement and identify ethical dilemma
  3. Facts of the Case:  provide relevant case information
  4. Virtue Framework:  state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
  5. Deontological Framework:   state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
  6. Utilitarian Framework:   state a clear definition / overview / major elements of the ethical theory then apply case elements
  7. Conclusion:  explain which theory or theories might work best to resolve the ethical dilemma
  8. References page:  APA format, include all sources (SAGE case, text, other)

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