Draft Synthesis Paper 1
Draft Synthesis Paper 1 Assignment Module 2
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Based on the three approved field projects/activities from the Final Paper Outline, write a research-supported academic paper which:
- provides a project overview of each of the three field projects/activities and describes specifically and in detail your role in each project;
- identifies, defines, and aligns each field project/activity with an intervention level (i.e. micro, mezzo, macro) and analyzes how and why the activity is that intervention level;
- discusses how the project aligned with the core Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Educational, Policy, and Accreditation (EPAS) competency associated with each field project/activity (highlight a different competency for each field project/activity, see the Advanced Generalist learning contract);
- discusses the type of documentation used for each of the three field projects/activities; and
- reflects on the experience of completing the field project/activity, focusing particularly on the specific social work skills that were utilized and developed
Formatting Guidelines
The paper is required to be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference page) with at least:
- one citation that connects the work of each project activity to the research literature (three total);
- one citation per intervention level (one – make sure that you have a citation when you discuss the level of intervention for each field project); and,
- the citation for the CSWE Competency per core competency (one total from the same source).
Citations from academic texts and peer-reviewed journals only. Five (5) citations from different academic sources total for Draft Synthesis Paper #1.
The Draft Synthesis Paper #1 template is required. The writing can be in either 1st person or 3rd person.
Required elements:
- Writing can be in either 1st person or 3rd person
- Title page and reference page
- No abstract
- An introduction and conclusion
- In-text citations as specified above and in template
- Headers throughout the paper to organize each section (the three activities) and subsections (activity discussion, intervention level, core competency, self-reflection) – these are already all built into the template.
- 8-10 pages, excluding title and reference page
SECTION 1: Project overview
Provide a project overview of each field project/activity and your role in that project.
- explain the type of work undertaken in the field project/activity as well as your specific role in this field project/activity.
- discuss any relationship building and/or inter-professional collaboration that occurred as a result of your work on this field project/activity.
- identify the types of working relationships that were developed (i.e. collaboration, networking, cooperation) and support this by providing details of the relationship (when applicable).
IMPORTANT In addition to the citation at the intervention level (see Section 2), include one citation from an academic text or peer-reviewed journal article that connects the work of each project/activity to the research literature (three total). This citation should be provided for each field project. Five citations from DIFFERENT academic sources total.
SECTION 2: Level of intervention
Identify, define, and align each field project with a level of intervention and analyze how and why the activity is this intervention level. Identify and describe the level of intervention of the field project/activity. Provide a detailed explanation ‘defending’ why this field project/activity demonstrates work at the given intervention level.
For example, if the field project/activity is a micro level intervention:
- provide a definition of the micro level along with one citation;
- provide specific examples from the field project/activity that demonstrate the field project/activity involved micro level social work practice; and
- include one citation from a peer-reviewed journal article and discuss how the research relates to the work undertaken in your field project/activity
IMPORTANT The three field projects/activities must identify at least two levels of intervention. For example, one field project/activity may be at the micro level, while the other two field projects may be identified as mezzo level practice (two levels of intervention identified across three field projects). By extension you may have one project/activity that aligns with each of the three intervention levels.
SECTION 3: Core competency
Discuss how the project aligns with the CSWE Core Competency for each field project/activity. Identify the core CSWE EPAS competency that relates to each field project/activity undertaken, eg: Core Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
- include a brief explanation of what the core competency involves;
- review this EPAS documentLinks to an external site.for detailed explanations of each core competency and cite this document in the discussion (required); and
- provide a thorough and thoughtful explanation of how this field project/activity fulfilled the skill of the identified core competency. Provide examples to illustrate clearly how the skill was fulfilled.
IMPORTANT A different competency must be selected for each project/activity (three different competencies total). Review the learning objectives in your SWG 645 and 646 learning contract. You must cite the CSWE EPAS document.
SECTION 4: Specify documentation
Specify the type of documentation that will be utilized for each field project/activity. Be as specific as possible. Detail how client confidentiality will be maintained, if applicable. Appropriate documentation must be included for each field project/activity in the final portfolio.
Examples of appropriate documentation:
- sample session plans (session time, frequency, what was covered)
- creation of any charts (i.e. behavior chart, etc.), presentations
- announcement for focus groups or support groups
- advertising for events
- flyers or infographics created for events
- event fliers
- social media posts
- graphs where you collected data
- meeting minutes you took; meeting follow-up action items
- grant proposal
- curriculum or training materials
- logic model
- program plan; project work plan; strategy chart
- policy proposal
- press release
- analysis of community assets or community needs
Examples of inappropriate documentation:
- attending a training or conference
- attending a networking event
- writing a research paper (unless actionable and actualized, ie: writing to an elected official, advocacy initiative).
SECTION 5: Reflect
Reflect on your experience undertaking the project/activity with a particular focus on the social work skills developed. Discuss why this project was chosen and how this project contributed to your learning experience. The explanation of the learning experience should indicate:
- specifically on what was learned and include specific examples drawn from the project activity; and
- the skills that were developed in each project/activity (highlight at least three skills in each project/activity
Complete the table that is embedded in the template and assess your proficiency for each skill on a scale of 1 (entry level) to 10 (proficient):
- prior to undertaking the field/project activity; and,
- on completing (or nearly completing) the field project/activity
When reflecting on the level of proficiency, consider the experience holistically, the strengths and challenges encountered, and the lessons learned.