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Essay Assignment Essay 2 Analysis of a Text

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Prompt: Write a 7-paragraph essay that analyzes one of the chapters in Stacey Abrams’ book Lead from the
Outside. The idea of the essay is to address the following questions: What is the text about? Why do you like the
text? Why should others appreciate the text? What does the text say about what it means to be courageous? The
essay must contain the following:
Your summary of the text with a thesis statement that says why the text should be important to society;
Three ways that the author of the text conveys its meaning by referring to ethos, logos, and/or pathos;
An opposing position;
A synthesis of the opposing position with your own by effectively refuting it; and
The conclusion
You must first submit a 1-page Statement on Planned Research. This statement will layout the topic and three
questions about the topic you want to study. See the examples in the module. It will also layout why you are
interested in studying the topic and what you expect to learn through this analysis. The topic must be approved
by your instructor.
The second activity is to create an Annotated Bibliography of 4 sources by conducting research on the text.
These sources might include biographical information about Stacey Abrams, more information about ethos, logos,
and/or pathos, and it should definitely include research about the subject matter contained in the chapter. See
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet further into this document. The sources can be changed in the final
paper, but the annotated bibliography that you submit will be a graded assignment separate from your essay
assignment. The annotated bibliography must be presented in MLA style. Use the OWL Purdue MLA citation
generator to help you. The chapter you have chosen from Lead from the Outside will be one of your 4 sources.

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The third activity is to draft your argument by stating why your reader should agree with your understanding of
the text and of Abrams’ credibility (ethos), her logical use of information (logos) and any emotional qualities that
she has evoked in the text (pathos). This rough draft is to be reviewed by Smarthinking and a Writing Center
tutor so you will need to plan your time and not procrastinate.
The fourth activity is to revise your essay into a polished final draft using what you learned in the Writing
Center and Smarthinking.
The fifth and final activity is to write a Reflection Memo that details what you revised and didn’t revise and
reasons that you made those choices. Your memo will not be graded for grammar, but you should try to answer
as specifically and clearly as possible. The memo should explicitly answer these four questions:
• What did you understand about the changes asked for in your essay by your reviewers? Be specific.
• What changes did you make during the revision process and why?
• What changes did you not make and why not?
• What did you learn about the research process and how will you use it in the next assignment?
Deliverables: 1) Statement on Planned Research, 2) Annotated Bibliography, 3) Rough Draft 4) Final Draft, and 5)
Reflection Memo. Submit the final draft and the memo together as one Word document.

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