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MBA640 Project Marketing Analysis

MBA640 Project Marketing Analysis

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Now that you have completed the environmental scan, your team needs to conduct a market analysis of the company’s customers in the United States. Outline how the team would conduct this analysis, while considering both current and potential customers. Your analysis should address how you would determine answers to the following questions:

  • What needs are being met by the products or services that they purchase? What are the benefits to the customers? Make sure that you differentiate between features and benefits; go beyond manifest motives and consider latent motives.
  • Who is involved in the purchase process? Who are influencers? Who are buyers? Who are users?
  • How do customers pay? Describe payment plans, financing, banking arrangements, etc.
  • Where are the products or services sold and delivered, and what are the distribution channels?
  • How often are the different types of the products or services purchased? Is there seasonality to sales?
  • Is there any market regulation? Is there self-regulation? Do any federal or state regulations affect the company’s US operations?
  • What is the size of the market (in dollars and units)? What is the growth rate of that market?

Deliverable: By the end of Week 9 present your results to the CEO in a market analysis report of five pages, excluding cover page, executive summary, the reference list, and appendices. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included as appendices. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. The report should be organized using headings and subheadings to improve its readability.

Support your work with scholarly sources and reliable nonscholarly sources such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance,,, MoneyForbesFortuneFinancial TimesWall Street Journal, and Harvard Business Review, as well as the UMGC Library databases such as Hoover’s and ABI/INFORM. All sources need to be cited using APA formatting, both within the text and in the reference list.

By the end of Week 9, submit your market analysis report to your Study group. Then proceed to the next step, where you will decide on marketing objectives for your client.