Nursing Assignment Help

NURS 682 CAP Case Study 11

NURS 682 CAP Case Study 11 DO YOU NEED HELP COMPLETING THIS ASSIGNMENT? ORDER NOW! LIENHARD SCHOOL OF NURSING DEPARTMENT OF GRADUATE STUDIES   Case Study: Community Acquired Pneumonia   Chief Complaint   “I have been short of breath and have been coughing up rust-colored phlegm for the past 3 days.”   HPI   James […]

NURS 5051 Module02 Week04

NURS 5051 Module02 Week04 DO YOU NEED SOME HELP COMPLETING THIS ASSIGNMENT? ORDER NOW!  THE IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENT OUTCOMES AND PATIENT CARE EFFICIENCIES In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined? Patient outcomes and the […]


HIRE ONE OF OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS TO COMPLETE THIS PRESENTATION. ORDER NOW!   POWER POINT PRESENTATION: PRIMARY/MENTAL HEALTH CARE II TOPIC: INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Class Presentation/PowerPoint Rubric: Evidence-Based Note: solely reading the slides does not enhance class participation, do not populate your slide with text, most information should come from the presenter (this reflects how well […]

Assignment Exploring Controversial Issues in Nursing An Argumentative Perspective

ORDER NOW in case you need help writing this assignment Assignment Exploring Controversial Issues in Nursing: An Argumentative Perspective Introduction: In the field of nursing, there are various controversial topics that spark debates and discussions. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to delve into a specific nursing topic of your choice and present […]

Assessment 2 Community Resources Content

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report. As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent […]


Week 3 – Complete the first part of your Assessment Tool assignment, the physical section For this assignment, you are going to be creating your own assessment tool over the next few weeks. You will create one section at a time. This week the focus is creating the physical needs assessment section. For reference, you can […]

Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

USE OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS TO COMPLETE THIS PRESENTATION. ORDER NOW! The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor (cigarette smoking/second hand smoke) that poses a threat to the health or safety of […]

Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership Collaboration Communication Change Management and Policy Considerations

ONE OF OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS CAN HELP YOU COMPLETE THIS ASSESSMENT. ORDER NOW In a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem (check one of the attachments) that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. Plan […]

NR 538 Week 3 Assessment of the Core Population

USE OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT. ORDER NOW! Population health assessment involves the systematic, holistic appraisal of people and the community where they live, work, play, and go to school.  The process may vary depending upon the purpose and scope of the assessment.  However, a thorough assessment of the core population is an […]

Select one evidence based website

LET US HELP YOU Select one evidence-based website you would direct your adult or geriatric patient to for information about the treatment and prevention of a disease. Document it on the discussion board and explain why you chose this website. Go to NIH’s How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet: Questions and AnswersLinks to […]